
Explore account return, costs, and transactions

The data in this page are daily data at 5pm New York about the last 90 days.

Cumulative Closed P&L and Return

The line chart shows the cumulative Closed P&L and the cumulative Return. Each data point is at 5pm New York on market closure.

The data are related to the table below named "Daily Account History".

Trading Date format is YYYY » MM » DD

Cumulative Return is indicated in account currency. The daily Return is the account Change - Inflow + Outflow.

Cumulative Closed P&L is indicated in account currency, and is related to Closed Positions. CYBMIND manages multiple indipendent long and short positions for the same symbol, so the P&L in CYBMIND may differ from the P&L shown in the broker platform that applies First In First Out to calculate net positions per symbol.

Cumulative Commission, Swap, and Daily P&L

The cumulative bar chart of the cumulative commission charged by the broker in account currency.

The cumulative bar chart of the daily swap in account currency applied to roll the overnight positions.

The cumulative bar chart of the Daily P&L gross to commission and swap. The Daily P&L is the Gross Open P&L of the day - Gross Open P&L of the previous day + Closed P&L of the day.

Broker/Total Margin and Cash Balance

The bar chart shows for each day the percentage of the Total Balance used as margin and cash available.

Broker Margin is the margin applied by the broker for the open position.

Additional Margin is the margin calculated on the pending new positions not sent yet to the broker.

Total Margin is the Broker Margin + Additional Margin.

Cash Available = Total Balance - Total Margin

Open P&L% and Leverage

The line chart shows for each trading day at market closure the:

Open P&L% = Open Positions P&L / Cash Balance.

Leverage = Net currency Open Positions / Total Balance in percentage.

Daily Account History

Trading Date is the date of market closure at 5pm New York. Format MM/DD/YYYY

Broker shows the full name or the acronym name.

The data table show data the FIX Account name.

Ccy is the account currency.

Cash Balance is the cash in account currency calculated by CYBMIND and may differ from the one showed by the broker that calculates the realised P&L with the FIFO methodology and not by independent positions as CYBMIND does.

Open P&L in account currency is the market valuation of all the open positions. CYBMIND manages multiple independent positions and doesn't apply FIFO , so the Open P&L in the table may differ from the value showed by broker.

Total Balance = Cash Balance + Open P&L in account currency.

Change = Total Balance - Total Balance previous day.

Inflow is the account currency cash equivalent of transfer in the account.

Outflow is the account currency cash equivalent of transfer out the account.

Return = Change - Inflow + Outflow in account currency.

Return% = Return / Total Balance in percentage.

Open P&L Change = Open P&L - Open P&L previous day in account currency.

Closed P&L is the realised P&L of the trading date in account currency.

Commission is the total amount of trading fees charged by the broker in account currency.

Swap is the total amount of swaps applied to the rolled positions for the trade date.

Broker Margin is the margin applied by the broker for the open position in account currency.

Total Margin is the Broker Margin plus the margin calculated on the pending new positions not sent yet to the broker.

Leverage = Net currency Open Positions / Total Balance in percentage.

Broker Margin% = Broker Margin / Total Balance  in percentage.

Total Margin% = Total Margin / Total Balance  in percentage.

Cash Available% = 1 - Total Margin%


Executed TS is the timestamp of the transaction in the ledger at millisecond. The timezone is the timezone of the CYMBIND server to which you are connected with.

Broker shows the full name or the acronym name.

Account is your account ID

Ccy is the account currency.

Type is the type of transaction:

  • SWAP

Reference is the CYBMIND internal ID

Order ID is the CYBMIND internal Order ID

Provider ID is the Order ID returned by the provider

Executed ID is the execution ID of the provider

Ex. Ccy is the currency of the transaction

Ex. Amount is the amount in Ex. Ccy 

Rate is the currency exchange rate to convert the Ex. Amount to Amount

Amount is the equivalent amount of the Ex. Amount in account currency

Cash Balance is the new balance after the transaction